Dbus Inspector & Introspect

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Fri Sep 12 14:50:26 PDT 2008

Sander Jansen wrote:
>Currently DBus Inspector won't list any of these methods, since it
>doesn't know about the object on path "/org/fifthplanet/gogglesmm". I
>see DBus Inspector calling "Introspect" on path "/". Would I have to
>respond with the following then?:
><!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection
> 1.0//EN"
> "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd"> <node
> name="/">
>  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
>    <method name="Introspect">
>      <arg name="xml_data" direction="out" type="s"/>
>    </method>
>  </interface>
>  <node name="/org/fifthplanet/gogglesmm"/>
>Would this be the correct and standard way of doing this?


You have to reply with almost the same as above, but the inner <node> tag 
should be:

  <node name="org" />

Then the introspect on /org should reply with:

  <node name="fifthplanet" />

And so on.

>The last 
>response on my question on the list about object path naming
>conventions seems to discourage using the "/" path...

You misunderstood the problem. We were saying that using the / object for 
your purposes was probably wrong, if you were writing an interface that 
was meant to be implemented by other applications.

It could also be a bad practice even if it's just your application, since 
you may want in the future to do things differently.

However, the / object is the root object in the object tree. It's always 
present and the introspection starts by it. You have to provide the 
correct tree leading to your objects.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
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