Exceptions quit mainloop.

Heston James - Cold Beans heston.james at coldbeans.co.uk
Thu Sep 18 04:29:42 PDT 2008

Hello Guys,


I have a situation which I've seen arise recently within an application
built in python using the dbus gobject mainloop whereby when uncaught
exceptions occur within the application it doesn't crash gracefully and I
get sprawls or logging data spat back to the command line and the
application continues to run.


I'm looking for a sure fire way that any uncaught exceptions which occur in
the application will cause the mainloop to quit and the application to stop
running properly, I can then have the system relaunch it.


I'm thinking perhaps something like this might work:


        # Attempt to run the mainloop.


            # Call for the mainloop to run.


        # Catch any exceptions which may occur.

        except Exception, e:

            # An exception occurred within the application.

            # Log the exception which has occurred.

            self.__logger.critical("FATAL EXCEPTION OCCURRED: %s" % str(e))

            # Quit the mainloop.



This I would have thought will catch any exceptions which aren't caught at a
lower level, log what has happened and then close the application down.


Is this the correct way to handle this? I'd a really appreciate your advice
and experience.


Cheers all,



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