Status of dbus-python

Schmottlach, Glenn glenn.schmottlach at
Fri Aug 14 05:20:26 PDT 2009

> (dbus-python does usually use a tiny piece of dbus-glib - the libdbus <-> GLib
> main loop integration - but that can be replaced by a module provided
> by the Qt4 Python bindings, or by any other main loop integration shim
> with the same API.)

My *wish* would to someday have a Python D-Bus binding that had NO dependencies on GLib/GObject. Perhaps a suitable approach might be to create a default main loop that is purely implemented in Python (or alternatively C/C++ if required). Some Python scripts that use D-Bus do not require a GUI main loop at all since they don't have a HMI. Pulling in GLib/GObject for this is overkill and in an embedded environment with limited resources an unfortunate choice. Plus, the GPL nature of GLib/GObject makes it difficult to use with proprietary applications. Linking it with the current D-Bus Python binding requires that any code that uses it to be open sourced. Again, this limits its application in commercial products (which might ultimately, depending on the license, provide patches and bug-fixes back to the community). 

Oh well, I guess no one is stopping me from attempting to make an alternate version other than my unfamiliarity with the code. Simon seems to indicate that the GLib/GObject tentacles aren't too deeply embedded in the binding. Is this a correct assessment?

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