Better viewer for introspection data

Jesse W jessw at
Thu Aug 20 10:48:24 PDT 2009

I've written a first version of a small command-line pretty-printer for 
D-BUS introspection data.  Given a bus-name (and optionally, a object 
path), it will print out a list of all the contained object paths, 
their interfaces, and the methods, properties and signals contained in 
each one.

I wrote it because I couldn't find such a tool already available -- the 
introspection data is nice, but it's hard to use when you have to 
request each entry manually.

It's written in Python, using dbus-python -- if it is considered useful 
enough, I'd be happy to have it included along with dbus-python.

Any comments, bug-fixes, suggestions are greatly appreciated, of course.

It can be downloaded, (for now) from

Jesse Weinstein

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