Missing dbus signals

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Thu Feb 26 03:29:49 PST 2009

Em Quinta-feira 26 Fevereiro 2009, às 10:10:31, Kaustubh Atrawalkar escreveu:
> Actually there is little mix up of codes. We have g_main_loop running which
> i guess works for listening to dbus socket also. And to catch the signal
> dbus_bus_add_match & add_filter is used. So there is mix of dbus-glib
> bindings and some native code also. Does that might be causing the issue?

Yes, that could be the issue.

So, I repeat my question: why aren't you using the dbus-glib binding?

In any case, you didn't paste the mainloop code for the sender.
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Software
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