Dbus cross compilation problems

pgodin pgodin at rheinmetall.ca
Fri Jul 10 09:58:19 PDT 2009

Good day,

I'm currently working on cross compiling dbus for ARM using the 2007q1
Code sourcery toolchain.

So far so good, the compilation succeeds without any error. My problem
is when invoking the make install target.

The configure script sets the --prefix and --exec-prefix to a custom
value (pointing on the directory where my target root filesystem lies)
ex.: /home/pgodin/rootfs.

After invoking make install, all the files that are copied over the rfs
such as dbus-daemon, dbus-laucher, etc are bash files (bus) and not the
real arm binairies located in bus/.libs folder. Furthermore, when I
manually copy those files (replacing bash files with binairies),
invoking them yields errors with a related prefix path. System.conf
paths also contains the absolute path to sockets and so on.

As an example, invoking dbus-daemon would return the following error:
could not find /home/pgodin/rootfs/usr/local/etc/dbus-1/system.conf ?

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


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