some simple questions on "argument direction"

Havoc Pennington havoc.pennington at
Wed May 20 13:02:42 PDT 2009


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Matt Guo <matt at> wrote:
> 1) a dbus argument is "out" if and ony if its name is "ret" or it's a
> signal argument

dbus args don't have names... maybe your binding does

> 2) all the arguments of a dbus method (except for the "ret" argument) are "in"


> 3) a DBus argument can not be both "in" and "out" (i.e. "inout")


The way dbus works is that there is a message sent to an app with the
"in" args. The app then replies with the "out" args in a reply

There can be 0-N of each type of arg.

"inout" doesn't make sense, because an arg is either in the method
call message or the reply message. If it were in both, it's two
different args.


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