dbus-cxx 0.5.0 released

Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. rvinyard at cs.nmsu.edu
Wed Sep 30 10:57:26 PDT 2009

dbus-cxx is a C++ wrapper for the dbus library

===== 0.5.0 =====
This release has some new features, some bug fixes and some added support for
older versions of GCC and dbus, and new Ubuntu builds on Launchpad.

One of the new features is preliminary support for arrays of fixed types. An
example can be found in the signal examples directory and the two example
programs are name signal_emitter_array and signal_receiver_array.

Many of the template functions have been changed and are now generated by
M4 to support older versions of GCC that don't recognize default template
function parameters.

Checks have been added and conditional code added to allow building
against dbus 1.1 (and possibly dbus 1.0; only dbus 1.1 was tested). This
change, combined with the GCC support changes, mean that dbus-cxx can
now be compiled on RHEL 5. Builds will be available in Fedora shortly
for the EPEL 5 (RHEL 5, CentOS 5) family.

Finally, there are numerous minor bug cleanups which should significantly
reduce the amount of compile warnings generated.

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