How with glib-bind to register multiple 'peer connections' to the same object path ?

Lin YT atonelin at
Mon Apr 5 20:36:16 PDT 2010

Maybe I am asking a stupid question, 
how can I do with glib-bind to register multiple peer connections to the same object path ?

With dbus daemon, it is easy to setup a service program with a common object path to serve multiple clients.
With peer-to-peer connection, the service program has to setup a connections for per client request with 'dbus_connection_open()'. However, Dbus-Glib would "silently ignore duplicate registrations" within dbus_g_connection_register_g_object().

I hope what described above about 'duplicate registration' will not mislead you. 
What I am really confused is why disallow to register many 'peer-to-peer connections' to one object.

I know "An object path is a name used to refer to an object instance", that is also the reason I do not want to do a workaround with many different path names to avoid the checking of duplicate registrations.


YT Lin

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