dbus remaining windows port issues was Re: moving file descriptor passing into a header

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Thu Apr 22 00:44:36 PDT 2010

 > When cross-compiling the cmake build,

Is the current situation such that using a configure && make way to
build is totally broken if building for Windows? (Or maybe just if
cross-compiling for Windows?) That's what I used last time I built
dbus master on Windows, but yeah, it certainly was not
straightforward, and I don't know/remember if any required changes to
the configury/makefilery have been upstreamed.

(Also, as far as I recall, some macro assignments passed on the
command line differ in the cmake and a "normal" configure&&make build,
so there might be an even higher risk of non-interoperability with the
cmake/"kde" style build on Windows then...)


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