why not exec .service

Ross Burton ross at burtonini.com
Thu Feb 4 02:08:59 PST 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 16:47 +0800, Tang Ke wrote:
> hi guys
> I edit the /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/com.example.Slow.service
> [D-BUS Service]
> Name=com.example.Slow
> Exec=/home/tangke/slow.py
> User=root
> and the /home/tangke/slow.py file
> [snip]
> when I reboot the machine,and run d-feet not found the com.example.Slow
> but when I use the "python /home/tangke/slow.py" and run d-feet will 
> found the com.example.Slow

When you run it manually you are invoking the python interpretter, but
your exec line doesn't do that and slow.py doesn't contain a
#! /usr/bin/python so exec doesn't know what to do.

My suggestion would be to add a #! to slow.py so that exec knows to run
it with python.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross at burtonini.com
                                          jabber: ross at burtonini.com
                                           www: http://burtonini.com

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