Cmake update patch for dbus master

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Fri Feb 5 23:49:26 PST 2010

Romain Pokrzywka schrieb:
> Hi Ralf,
> Thanks for looking at the patch !
> I have some more comments below
> Best regards,
> Romain
> On Friday 05 February 2010 10:35:21 you wrote:
>> Romain Pokrzywka schrieb:
>>> Hi again,
>>> Ok here is the promised patch which updates the CMake build - at last !
>> very nice :-)
>>> It's many things actually:
>>> - it implements a split between client and internal library like
>>> autotools do. Note that the .def file is generated dynamically based on
>>> build options,
>> looks good
>>> since tests/verbose-mode and others affect the symbols that are exported
>>> :-o Anyway I've tested it will all possible combinations and it's fine
>>> now. In theory the files (which are combined by cmake) can be
>>> shared used by the autotools build too, but I haven't implemented it for
>>> autotools yet. Marcus: maybe that's something you could look at ?
>>> - it contains fixes for the install target: basically the DBUSDIR
>>> wouldn't be taken into account even when specified, and the summary was
>>> confusing regarding where things would be going for the install
>> okay,the logic seems clear now:
>> first try  DBUSDIR
>> then ty DBUSDIR from env
>> third try DBUS_INSTALL_DIR
>>> - it removes the debug postfix thing for the executables. Debug postfix
>>> only makes sense for libraries when you want to distinguish them or
>>> package both versions. But for executables you don't need that
>>> distinction, you'll only ship release versions anyway. This is how Qt is
>>> built and packaged on windows, for example: even when building in debug
>>> mode, qmake is still called qmake, same for designer and the others.
>> which makes problems especial with qt when configuring in
>> debug_and_release mode. Is it guarantated to have an executable in a
>> specific build mode by the build system ? The answer for qt is no
> Well yes, I can positively say that for Qt it is guaranteed that all executables are built in release mode when using 
> debug_and_release. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.
> If you think of it, the only reason the d postfix exists on windows is for libraries packaging, because each build type 
> uses a different CRT, and you want both types to allow the user to link to the library no matter what mode he's building 
> his own apps in. But for executables, it's really only the release version we're interested in, it wouldn't make sense 
> to ship debug versions IMHO. (in that case the person will build its own from source)
> Now the problem I see with cmake is that it doesn't have a debug_and_release mode. The closest you could get would be to 
> run a Debug build, and then a Release build on the same build dir. However that's suboptimal because you end up building 
> the executables twice, whereas only the lib is really needed for the debug mode in that case. But that's as close as it 
> gets to qmake's debug_and_release mode, and without the executable debug postfix you get the same results : both 
> libraries (dbus-1.dll and dbus-1d.dll), and only one set of executables in release mode, without any postfix. Of course, 
> the risk then is to end up with debug executables if you start by the Release build, then the Debug build after. But 
> that should only be a risk for packagers on windows, and I assume these people will now what they are doing (and so far 
> it's not many of them anyway, so we can make sure everybody knows about this :) )
>> Because this feature is configurable on configure time i would not
>> remove it - peoples build chain may depends on this feature.
> I understand. But let met argue with that : it's only a change on windows, only for 1.3.x, and it may only affect 
> packagers (which is only emerge afaik) and a few others who use dbus-daemond.exe explicitely. The basic developer who 
> just wants his single build won't even notice the change. Plus dbus 1.3.x is not an official stable release, so there's 
> nothing really preventing us to do it. So why not take the opportunity to make that change now while it's still not a 
> big decision ? I can even take care of adjusting the emerge packages if that helps ;)
see below
> Again, I really think this option doesn't make sense, and even so, its default value triggers the wrong behavior, ie. by 
> default people get the d postfix for the executables when they don't specify otherwise. IMHO at the very least this 
> should be the other way around, that people explicitely have to enable it to get the debug postfixes on the executables.
> You could argue that it's only a matter of naming so why bother, but unfortunately it's not: there are places where you 
> do start dbus-daemon from the code, like dbus-launcher, and we have similar code in KDE as well. I guess you see the 
> problem: all of a sudden you have to check if dbus-daemon.exe exists, and if not try dbus-daemond.exe... This is a real 
> can of worms, bound to be breaking as soon as somebody adds such code, and for no real benefit in the end.
> I hope that'll convince you to change you mind ;)
I can follow your arguments and things should be clean as much as it 
could be. On the other side there was a real use case behind this 
feature - see


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