dbus - remote

Nedko Arnaudov nedko at arnaudov.name
Fri Jan 15 03:32:10 PST 2010

John Palmieri <johnp at redhat.com> writes:

> It is a security, complexity and scope decision.  D-Bus was written
> for desktop communication where you have reliable connections such as
> domain sockets.  While there is a TCP/IP transport, connections to a
> bus via this mechanism is out of scope of the original intent of
> D-Bus.  D-Bus as a protocol is itself not adequate enough for use on
> unreliable networks.  There is no rate limiting, no transmission
> acknowledgments/guarantees, and no priority dispatching.  Adding these
> to the protocol would unnecessarily complicate it for its main use
> case, the desktop.  For this stuff you would be best to either bridge
> another protocol (there is some examples of D-Bus to REST for social
> services) or use a wrapper protocol like Telepathy Tubes which simply
> sends the D-Bus packet out as payload data to their own robust
> protocol (XMPP).  Personally I am working with AMQP these days for
> network messaging.  Its complexity and flexibility make it ideal for
> messaging over a network but it would make a horrible desktop bus.

ssh tunneling is quite often requested.

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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