confusion in servicename,objectpath and interface name.please reply.

Mukesh Savaliya Mukesh.Savaliya at
Tue Jun 29 22:47:27 PDT 2010

Hi to all,


 I am calling simple qt method named void Widget::playvideo()from dbus-glib
written application in 'C' language.

When I run both application and try to analyze with the dbus-monitor it puts
me in confusion.


1) I have kept the same service name(company.ngt.gui), object name
(/company/ngt/gui) And interface(company.ngt.gui )on both side,on qt
application and dbus-glib application side.


  But ,when I analyze with the dbus-monitor it shows service name as
org.freedesktop.DBus ,interface name as org.freedesktop.DBus and object path
as /org/freedesktop/DBus on both side. Why so?


If this is wrong what name should I keep? I think on both side the same name
is enough to recognize each other.



For your information, My application is not giving me any error, but the
playvideo is not getting executed. Quick reply will be appreciable.


With regards,

Mukesh Savaliya.



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