Proposing ObjectManager interface

David Zeuthen zeuthen at
Mon Feb 28 14:20:45 PST 2011

Hi again,

Here's a patch for the spec for the ObjectManager interface.

Btw, to be genuinely useful, we need some kind to extend the match
rule concept so an app can install a match rule like this


such that all the app has to do is

 org.fd.DBus.AddMatch('org.fd.DBus', '/org/fd/DBus',
    ' type='signal',sender=':1.42',pathGlob='/org/app/subtree*'');
 objects = org.fd.DBus.ObjectManager.GetAll(':1.42', '/org/app/subtree');

to stay informed about _everything_ happening in that subtree. That's,
btw, also the justification for the last paragraph in the patch (the
"SHOULD NOT" one).

Right now GDBusProxyManager just listen to all signals emitted by the
name. Which isn't really optimal at all...

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