Pluggable auth modules

Pavel Strashkin pavel.strashkin at
Wed Jun 1 13:02:54 PDT 2011

2011/6/1 Thiago Macieira <thiago at>:
> I think that libdbus-1 should only concern itself with the marshalling and
> demarshalling, with maybe a file-descriptor based implementation. Any fancier
> kind of transport, including SSL-based ones, should be implemented by an upper
> layer. For that reason, authentication should also be provided by the upper
> layer.

That's a good point, but the actual situation is a different and it
dictates the rules: authentication is a part of libdbus (and dbus
and i'm not sure that in the near future somebody just cut it off
because it can break everything, so if we can't remove it - we can
(should) improve
it a bit. Why not (think in a background that dbus already has an auth
and we have to live with it, but it's a less flexible that it could

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