Pluggable auth modules

Pavel Strashkin pavel.strashkin at
Wed Jun 1 14:26:58 PDT 2011

> I disagree. If the design is flawed, we shouldn't put more energy into it. We
> should find the proper, new design to replace it.

But what about dbus-daemon? I really like it and i don't want to
implement my own dbus server and all this org.freedesktop.dbus.*
stuffs so what do you suggest? Move auth from dbus level to
service/client level? i.e. dbus-daemon will be just like a router?
This is the protocol redesign and it may take the years to start it,
implement it and replace an older implementation. Also i don't see
backward-compatibility if dbus will go this way. If you have an idea
(or at least some fast thought) how you would like to see it - let's
try to discuss and launch it. "Disagree, Disagree, Disagree, ..."
doesn't help me to help to dbus and myself :) hard-coded auths is the
problem and i want to solve it.

I'm talking about dbus-daemon because it's just a server/process and
you just start it and ask it to route messages between
services/clients and the only way to configure it is use command line
options or configuration files. Without it i can't say: "hey, use
auth-1 and auth-2 please, you can get it from this location..."
because i don't have an access to code. In case of service/client i
have so i can use some API.

P.S. i think i'll try to implement my idea in a background and post it
as a patch to bugzilla for a review. Approve or deny it - dbus team

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