Using empty arrays for passing of variable structures as arguments

Bogdan Lotko boguslaw.lotko at
Fri Jun 17 04:38:10 PDT 2011


Is it a good idea to use arrays for controlling the variable content of 
a structure ( normally it would be a pointer that could be NULL) by passing
it as parameter?


typedef strruct
    int x;
    int y;
} structB;

struct A
   bool       hasB; // just as example
   structB *sB;     // Must not be NULL if hasB == true

The sent type will be always coded as (ba(ii)) where the array can have 
0 or 1 entries.

If the structB is empty ("sB == NULL") the empty array will be sent.
The coding in low level API would be like:

// Structure container strA for struct A already opened

dbus_message_iter_open_container( &str,
&arr );
// if "not NULL" open and fill the strB container for struct B
// otherwise close the arr container immediately

dbus_message_iter_open_container( &strA, &arr );

Is there any other / better  method do this same?

Thanks for your help

with best regards,


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