Proposing ObjectManager interface

David Zeuthen zeuthen at
Tue Mar 1 04:55:17 PST 2011


On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 6:07 AM, Simon McVittie
<simon.mcvittie at> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 at 17:20:45 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
>>  type='signal',sender=':1.42',pathGlob='/org/app/subtree*'
> That's arg0path='/org/app/subtree/', which also matches signals emitted
> from /org and /org/app (I don't know why Ryan made it do that - perhaps to
> make it symmetric, so it can be an equivalence relation? - but it doesn't seem
> likely to be a practical problem).

Hmm, that's what I originally thought too when I designed the
ObjectManager stuff but I think it's wrong. I mean, the intention is
to match any message that concerns a path (not argument) that matches
the glob /org/app/subtree* - this doesn't have anything to do with
arg0path since the message may not even have any arguments. Right?

(Thinking more about it, we probably want pathSubtree=/org/app/subtree
instead of pathGlob=/org/app/subtree* since it's more efficient to
implement that way.)


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