Adding Glib GMainContext support to DBusGlib Bindings

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at
Fri Mar 11 05:37:36 PST 2011

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 at 10:24:21 -0300, Marcus Nascimento wrote:
> I've been having some trouble running dbus glib (server or client) on a
> GMainContext other than the default one.

Your patch looks reasonable at first glance; if you want to add this
functionality, please open an 'enhancement'-severity bug on
to track it (or reuse an existing one if it would fix an existing bug). If
possible we prefer patches in the format produced by git format-patch, so we
can preserve attribution.

Potentially-relevant bugs include:

The reason I'm not particularly enthusiastic about merging this is that GDBus
(in GLib >= 2.26) is probably a better choice for new GObject D-Bus code,
particularly in the presence of threads. dbus-glib has various design flaws
and, in practice, mostly isn't thread-safe.

If you're doing this for multi-threading support, please look at the list of
dbus/dbus-glib bugs that mention threads and consider whether you really want
to be doing that, and are able to debug the results...


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