Increasing memory usage

Ralf Hoffmann ralf at
Thu Feb 9 12:10:18 PST 2012


I'm trying to use dbus to access udisks and I'm experience an increasing
memory usage. I have reduced the code the smallest possible program to
find what I'm doing wrong. Now there is only code to create and free a
proxy object. When executed in a loop, the program uses more and more
memory. I have attached the file which I compiled with

gcc -g dbus-test.c -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib64/dbus-1.0/include
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -ldbus-glib-1

When called like "./a.out 1000000" the memory usage increased to more
than 500MB.

So my question is: Do I need to call some other cleanup function to keep
the memory usage constant? The memory usage of the dbus-daemon also
increases to a similar amount.

I have done tests with dbus-1.2.14 and dbus-1.5.8.

I should add that I do not know much about DBus programming and just
followed the tools in the udisks package so maybe I just missing the
right functions to really free the proxy object.

On the other hand, the example at
does not use any other functions for cleanup.

Best Regards,

Ralf Hoffmann

Ralf Hoffmann <ralf at>
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