Dbus Threading Issue

Vinoth V v.vinoth3e at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 02:53:53 PDT 2012

Hi all,

First let me explain my program and later will tell about the issue i am
facing with dbus.
******This is the function on the client side which is being called from
process A for 10000 times from 10 different threads ***********
static void TestfunctA(ELAPSED_TIME_STATS *et)

   int                        i;
   printf("\n\nstarting %s.\n", __FUNCTION__);
   InitElapsedTimeSet("VZPAL_GetVideoInputStatusInfo", et); //initializing
the time_spec struct
   for (i=1; i<=LoopCount; i++)
      StartElapsedTimeMeasurement(et);// making note of the start time
      Result = function1(10, &variable);
      StopElapsedTimeMeasurement(et);//making note of the end time

************ client glue file which actally calls the original fucntion on
the process B which is the server *****************
eVZPAL_ReturnCode function1 (
                           int   n,
                           int array[512])                 // input array,
will have to be passed as Glib variant

   GError            *error = NULL;
   GVariant          *gvarray;
   gconstpointer     structFromGV;
   gsize             dataSize;
   // call the sync version of the method,
   com_our_api_call_function1_sync (proxy,
                                      n, &gvarray, (gint*)&nResult,
                                      NULL, &error);
   if (error != NULL)
      g_print("Error in %s, msg=\"%s\".\n", __FUNCTION__, error->message);
   structFromGV = g_variant_get_fixed_array(gvarray, &dataSize, sizeof
   memcpy(array, structFromGV, sizeof(array));
    return nResult;

***********************This is the code for the Server side glue code which
runs on the process B***********************
in bus acquired function i registered the function1 with the respective
signal handler..
g_signal_connect(interface, "handle-get-function1",
G_CALLBACK(Do_function1),  NULL);

static gboolean Do_function1(
   ComlOurApi        *interface,
   GDBusMethodInvocation      *invocation,
   guint16                    n,
   int                           *InputStatus,
   gpointer                   user_data)
   GVariant                   *gvarray;
    int                         array[512];    // input struct, will have
to be passed as Glib variant
   // get the data from VZPALe.
   nResult = function1(n, &array);
   gv = g_variant_new_from_data(((const GVariantType *) "ay"),  &array,
                                           TRUE, NULL, NULL);
   // send the results back to the client process
   coml_our_api_complete_function1 (interface, invocation,
                                            gvarray, (guint16) nResult);
   // a little test to see if main loop calls these functions
   //volatile pid_t callbackPid = getpid();
   //g_print("\n mainloop pid is %x, callback pid is %x.\n", mainLoopPid,
   (void) user_data;    //
   return TRUE;         // to indicate that we handled
This inturn calls a original function....

My issue is this program works perfectly fine... no errors but when i run
this client for 10000 run in 10 different  threads ( i am calling the same
I am gett
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