D-Bus optimizations

Alp Toker alp at nuanti.com
Tue Mar 13 12:22:49 PDT 2012

On 27/02/2012 15:24, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> If I understand correctly, wrappers around libdbus (like dbus-glib,
> dbus-python, QtDBus) might work as-is with a multicast-enabled libdbus,
> but reimplementations of libdbus (like GDBus, dbus-java) won't support
> these multicast sockets without changes.
> yes right, missed that part. Any binding using libdbus won't need any
> change, just the reimplementations, as Simon says

 From the Mono / NDesk D-Bus point of view, we can probably catch up on 
this but it'd be useful to have a clear specification, and also to have 
a fallback path so our existing deployed applications that don't require 
the feature will handle the new daemon gracefully.

I'm catching up on the discussion, is there a summary of the use cases 
for this? Will having it or not impact the existing applications that 
we're trying to support?

the browser experts

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