Link(s) for Windows ports of D-Bus ?

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at
Mon Mar 19 04:46:58 PDT 2012

On 15/03/12 18:30, rony wrote:
> However there is (are) no link(s) pointing to the Windows versions of D-Bus!

It's basically the same situation as Windows versions of GLib.

Windows support was merged quite a long time ago, so the normal
source-code tarball releases of D-Bus (as announced on this mailing
list), and the git branches from which they're released, are meant to
work on Windows. Sometimes they might not, but if they don't, that's a
bug like any other, to be tracked in Bugzilla and fixed in a later release.

The only official "upstream" D-Bus releases are the source code: we
don't make binary releases, for any platform. On Linux, distributions
like Debian and Fedora release binary packages derived from our source
code, and we recommend that most people use the binary packages from
their distribution.

If anyone wants to provide semi-official binary releases for Windows on
a similar basis, feel free to do so and link them on the wiki. For
instance, the KDE on Windows initiative <>
presumably releases Windows binaries of D-Bus (I don't know whether they
apply special patches or configuration). GnuWin
<> doesn't seem to provide D-Bus
binaries yet, but they could; Cygwin probably does; and so on.


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