Link(s) for Windows ports of D-Bus ?

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Wed Mar 21 06:25:18 PDT 2012

Am 21.03.2012 13:32, schrieb rony:
> Dear Vincent:
> On 20.03.2012 15:55, Vincent Torri wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 3:42 PM, rony <rony at> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> thank you really very much for your insights and hints, which I really appreciate a lot!
>>> Will try to explore the Windows KDE-D-Bus as hinted by Andre Heinecke
>>> <> and by Siraj Razick.
>>> The aim is to find somewhere a maintained D-Bus Windows binary which non-Linux-programmers (or
>>> non-C++-programmers) can download and install. Probably there is a need of some sort of a readme
>>> which explains on how to install and setup the Windows KDE version of D-Bus.
>> I can make some packages that are installable with mingw-get.
> That would be great, as then the "typical Windows" users could be pointed at the installation
> package and become able to install it with a double-click.

We would be very glad to provide some help if somebody needs windows
dbus binaries. Just some more information on that:
our dbus binaries depend on the expat package at the same location.
Even though those two are C libraries, there are per compiler packages,
which you shouldn't mix if you don't know what you do.
Available compilers are vc100=Visual Studio 10.0, x86-mingw4 (sezero
mingw-w64 32 bit gcc), x64-mingw4 (sezero mingw-w64 64 bit gcc).
The -bin packages contain all the binaries(.exes+dlls) and the required
data files.
The -lib packages contain headers & import libraries.
The -dbg packages contain the stripped out symbol information for mingw
and the .pdb files for Visual Studio.

One thing you should be aware of is that our dbus binaries are
restricted to requests from the directory where the dbus-daemon.exe is
located. This is useful if you want to install your package more than
once side by side and do not want any interaction between those two
instances. *The downside is that you cannot have ipc between different
directories, e.g. different modules installed side by side.*

That said,
if you have any questions you can always ask us on kde-windows at
and #kde-windows on freenode irc.


> ---rony
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