How can i get values from net.connman.Manager.GetServices with dbus-glib

Seungjae Lee mixxer.lee at
Fri May 31 02:05:23 PDT 2013

Dear All.

I am trying to making a parser with dbus-glib library.

I met a problems during getting result from dbus_g_proxy_call().

According to connman interfacing document,
net.connman.Manager.GetServicesmethod is in "a(
oa{sv})" - please refer last  paste.

Now I am trying to read messages likes this.

 if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetServices",&error,
       dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable",
        dbus_g_type_get_map("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VARIANT)),

but. I met this messages in dbus_g_proxy_call().

Error getting Manager properties: [Expected D-BUS dict entry, got type code

actually 'r' means structure, I don't have any idea to get this result.

Is there any way can i get reply message at once?

please kindly help me.


   array [
      struct {
         object path "/net/connman/service/wifi
         array [
            dict entry(
               string "Type"
               variant                   string "wifi"
            dict entry(
               string "Security"
               variant                   array [
                     string "psk"
                     string "wps"
            dict entry(
               string "State"
               variant                   string "idle"
            dict entry(
               string "Timeservers"
               variant                   array [
      struct {
         object path "/net/connman/service/wifi
         array [
            dict entry(
               string "Type"
               variant                   string "wifi"
            dict entry(
               string "Security"
               variant                   array [
                     string "psk"
            dict entry(
               string "State"
               variant                   string "idle"
            dict entry(
               string "Provider"
               variant                   array [

# gdbus introspect --system --dest net.connman --object-path /
node / {
  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
      Introspect(out s xml);
  interface net.connman.Manager {
      GetProperties(out a{sv} properties);
      SetProperty(in  s name,
                  in  v value);
      GetTechnologies(out a(oa{sv}) technologies);
      RemoveProvider(in  o provider);
      GetServices(out a(oa{sv}) services);
      ConnectProvider(in  a{sv} provider,
                      out o path);
      RegisterAgent(in  o path);
      UnregisterAgent(in  o path);
      RegisterCounter(in  o path,
                      in  u accuracy,
                      in  u period);
      UnregisterCounter(in  o path);
      CreateSession(in  a{sv} settings,
                    in  o notifier,
                    out o session);
      DestroySession(in  o session);
      RequestPrivateNetwork(out o path,
                            out a{sv} settings,
                            out h socket);
      ReleasePrivateNetwork(in  o path);
      PropertyChanged(s name,
                      v value);
      TechnologyAdded(o path,
                      a{sv} properties);
      TechnologyRemoved(o path);
      ServicesChanged(a(oa{sv}) changed,
                      ao removed);
  interface net.connman.Clock {
      GetProperties(out a{sv} properties);
      SetProperty(in  s name,
                  in  v value);
      PropertyChanged(s name,
                      v value);
  node net {
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