D-Bus and click-to-dial

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Sun Jul 12 23:24:54 PDT 2015


I'm just wondering if anyone can share any comments on the suitability
of D-Bus for click-to-dial and other computer-telephony-integration
(CTI), and whether such work is already under way?

- somebody clicks a phone number in one application and it sends a D-Bus
message.  The message is received by a softphone or some daemon passes
the number to a desk phone
- an incoming call arrives on a softphone or a desk phone and a signal
is sent to all interested applications

I've personally developed the sipdialer[1] in reSIProcate and would like
to make it accessible to other desktop applications.

It is quite possible that some people may have multiple applications
capable of making phone calls (e.g. a daemon linked to their phone, a
script that talks to Asterisk and some softphone that is running
locally).  Does D-Bus provide some mechanism for routing the dialing
request when multiple applications are capable of handling it?



1. https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/tree/master/apps/sipdial

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