Signal distribution for specific communication over D-Bus

Derrill Vezina vezinadj at
Tue Dec 20 19:08:46 UTC 2016

Thank you for your reply.

It would be nice to only have to use one signal and some how ignore signals sent by the senders process. Is there a way to set a rule so that it will ignore all senders except for myself? There would most likely have to be logic in the rule since you don’t really know anyone else that is connected. 

I did try out having 1 sender, and 2 echoers and it worked the same as before and it broadcasts to both echoers on write (which was expected) but the outcome is the same on the echoers side.

Is using two signals the preferred way to mimic a pipe or socket? (one for send and one for receive, which can get complicated with multiple receivers and senders) 

Derrill Vezina, PE
vezinadj at

On 12/20/16, 11:34 AM, "Markus Elfring" <Markus.Elfring at> wrote:

    > …, or possibly using two signals for bi-directional communications
    > so that I don’t get my own sent data.
    * Did you try this software design variant out already?
    * Will it matter for you to use only one signal in the mentioned situation?

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