Starting up several dbus programs via systemd with a session bus

John Woltman john.woltman at
Fri May 26 13:36:25 UTC 2017

Hello all,
I've been using dbus to develop a personal project for an embedded computer
running Linux (Debian Jessie, which has systemd).  The project is made of
four programs, all communicating over a dbus session bus.  This works great
on my full Linux desktop, and works on the embedded system from a terminal
after invoking dbus-launch and then launching the programs separately.

However, I cannot figure out how to make systemd service files that
actually start all four programs up at boot time and share the same session
bus.  I must not be reading the right manuals because it seems like
something would be common.  Can anyone point me to a guide for setting this
up, or offer guidance to get this working?

Thank you,
John Woltman
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