dbus message not received at client from server

Calvin Lee cyrus296 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 15:35:09 UTC 2017

I'm not sure if I can fix your problem with the information given, but
I'll try to help out. Setting up DBus to be asynchronous requires more
than using `dbus_connection_set_dispatch`. First, both DBusWatch[1] and
DBusTimeout[2] must be honored. Second, the
`dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function` is only called if the
status is changed, it does not dispatch anything. In order to dispatch
one must call `dbus_connection_dispatch` as many times as needed. See my
implementation below:
```C static bool should_dispatch = true;
static void dispatch_status(DBusConnection *connection,
DBusDispatchStatus new_status,
                void *_data) {
        if (new_status == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS) {
                should_dispatch = true;
void dispatch_dbus() {
        if (!should_dispatch || !conn) {
        DBusDispatchStatus status;
        do {
                status = dbus_connection_dispatch(conn);
        } while (status == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS);
        if (status != DBUS_DISPATCH_COMPLETE) {
                log(L_ERROR, "Cannot dispatch dbus events: %d", status);
        should_dispatch = false;
I call `dispatch_dbus` each time the main loop runs.
Also `dispatch_status` is the callback to

Best of luck with your project, if you need any more help please reply
with more information.



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