Multiple connections to dbus-daemon in single appication

Simon McVittie smcv at
Mon Sep 17 11:45:10 UTC 2018

On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 at 11:30:52 +0900, dtdang wrote:
> Is it possible to create multiple connections by using "dbus_bus_get" &
> "dbus_bus_request_name" inside a single server to listen from multiple client ?

You seem to be mixing up connections with well-known bus names.

As Lawrence D'Oliveiro said in a previous reply, you can register
multiple well-known bus names on the same connection by calling
dbus_bus_request_name() several times on the same DBusConnection. If you
want multiple well-known bus names, 95% of the time this is the right
thing to do.

You can also open multiple connections, each of which can own any number
of well-known names, by calling dbus_bus_get_private() several times to
get several distinct DBusConnection objects. This is usually the wrong
thing to do, but is an option if you have specialized requirements.
If you do this, beware that there are no ordering guarantees between
different DBusConnection objects: if two messages A and B are sent,
then one DBusConnection might see both A and B before a second
DBusConnection has seen A.

Consider using a more user-friendly (and thread-safe) D-Bus implementation
such as GLib's GDBus. The reference implementation, libdbus, has this
statement on the first page of its documentation:

    This manual documents the *low-level* D-Bus C API. **If you use
    this low-level API directly, you're signing up for some pain.**

In GDBus, the equivalent of dbus_bus_get() is g_bus_get()
or g_bus_get_sync(), the equivalent of DBusConnection is
GDBusConnection, the equivalent of dbus_bus_request_name() is
g_bus_own_name_on_connection(), and the closest equivalent for
g_bus_get_private() is g_dbus_connection_new_for_address[_sync]()
apply about the ability to own more than one well-known name per

> com.ap.wifi
> com.ap.ap

I suspect you don't own (owned by Gannett Media Technologies
International, according to whois) and (owned by Audio Precision,
according to web page content). Please choose a namespace starting with
a reversed domain name that your organisation controls.


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