kdbus, bus1 and systemd/non-linux hosts

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 11:42:38 UTC 2023

On Monday April 10 2023 11:07:10 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>How about CORBA, then? <https://www.corba.org/corbadownloads.htm>

Again I don't see how existing D-Bus client code would benefit from that.

>From what I've seen now, the old AF_BUS (AF_DBUS?) patches might be closest to what I have in mind but those have been buried for so long that they can probably no longer be used (I got the the kdbus kmod from systemd to build against a *4.14* kernel, and had to reboot after trying to test it).

Part of my interest comes from the fact that I tend to work on old/cheap/underdimensioned systems that I probably ask a bit much of. There are times where a heavy dbus client like kmail becomes very sluggish, waiting for something that probably involves dbus communication while there isn't a clear CPU hogger.
I noticed that the dbus-daemon has a single-threaded design and cannot help but wonder if that's still by definition the best approach these days.


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