Announcing dbus 1.15.8 (development release)

Simon McVittie smcv at
Mon Aug 21 19:56:17 UTC 2023

dbus is the reference implementation of D-Bus, a message bus for
communication between applications and system services.

This is a development release for early adopters. If in doubt, please
use dbus 1.14.x instead, especially in stable OS distributions.

git tag: dbus-1.15.8

Build-time configuration changes:

• For this version of dbus, Meson is the recommended build system for all
  Unix platforms. CMake continues to be recommended for Windows, but this
  recommendation might change to Meson in a future release, so please
  test the Meson build. See INSTALL for details.

• Autotools-generated files are no longer included in the tarball release.
  The Autotools build system is likely to be removed in a future dbus
  release, so Autotools users should migrate to Meson as soon as possible.
  It is still possible to build using Autotools, by following the same
  procedure as for a git clone (starting with the `./` script).


• On Linux with sufficiently new glibc and kernel headers, report a pinned
  process file descriptor (pidfd) as the ProcessFD member of the
  GetConnectionCredentials() result
  (dbus!420, dbus!398; Luca Boccassi)

• On Linux with systemd, start as the target user/group (retaining
  CAP_AUDIT_WRITE to preserve the ability to write to the audit log),
  instead of starting as root and dropping privileges
  (dbus!399, Luca Boccassi)

• On 32-bit glibc systems, opt-in to 64-bit timestamps if possible.
  This will allow 32-bit builds of libdbus to continue working after 2038.
  (dbus#465, Simon McVittie)

• On 32-bit glibc systems when built with CMake, also opt-in to large
  file sizes, offsets and inode numbers, as was done for Autotools
  since 1.12.x and Meson since the Meson build was introduced
  (dbus#465, fd.o #93545; Simon McVittie)

• Avoid known dbus-daemon options being interpreted as optional arguments
  (dbus#467, Xin Shi)

• If libdbus is a Meson subproject in a larger project, announce it as an
  implementation of the dbus-1 dependency (dbus!415, Barnabás Pőcze)

• When built with CMake, get the version number from Meson instead of
  Autotools, in preparation for the Autotools build system being removed
  (dbus!382, Ralf Habacker)

• When built with Meson, disable some unwanted warnings when either
  assertions or checks is disabled (dbus!412, Simon McVittie)

• Use C11 <stdatomic.h> if possible (dbus!431, Simon McVittie)

• Expand coverage of SPDX/REUSE copyright/license information
  (dbus!427, Simon McVittie)

• On Linux, let dbus-daemon start up successfully (with a warning) if
  inotify initialization fails, even if DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=1 is present
  in the environment (dbus#473, Simon McVittie)

• On Unix, provide a better error message when looking up a user by name
  or user ID fails (dbus!442, Simon McVittie)

Bug fixes:

• Avoid a dbus-daemon crash if re-creating a connection's policy fails.
  If it isn't possible to re-create its policy (for example if it belongs
  to a user account that has been deleted or if the Name Service Switch is
  broken, on a system not supporting SO_PEERGROUPS), we now log a warning,
  continue to use its current policy, and continue to reload other
  connections' policies. (dbus#343; Peter Benie, Simon McVittie)

• If getting the groups from a user ID fails, report the error correctly,
  instead of logging "(null)" (dbus#343, Simon McVittie)

• Return the primary group ID in GetConnectionCredentials()' UnixGroupIDs
  field for processes with a valid-but-empty supplementary group list
  (dbus!422, cptpcrd)

• `sudo meson install` without a DESTDIR is now possible, although
  strongly discouraged on production systems (dbus#436, Simon McVittie)

• Fix a Meson deprecation warning (dbus#439, Simon McVittie)

Tests and CI enhancements:

• Internal CI changes
  (dbus#455, dbus!414, dbus#468, dbus#469, dbus!424, dbus!430, dbus#436,
  dbus#470; Ralf Habacker, Simon McVittie)

Simon McVittie, Collabora Ltd. / Debian
on behalf of the dbus maintainers

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