UPower explicitly disable idevice patch.

Brett Witherspoon brett.witherspoon at comcast.net
Thu Sep 9 19:44:15 PDT 2010

	Below I have included a patch which allows one to explicitly 
disable the optional libimobiledevice support while configuring autotools 
instead of relying on a pkg check only. It will retain your default 
behavior if no option is specified or if with-idevice is given, but will 
skip the check and disable it if without-idevice is used. 
	I have been using this for creating binaries distrubuted to
other machines which dont have or need the option. It is also
termendously helpful regarding dependencies on source base distro's that
allow one to enable and disable the option. I hope you will consider 
implementing this or something similiar.

						C. Brett Witherspoon

--- configure.ac.orig	2010-09-09 21:16:15.554983658 -0500
+++ configure.ac	2010-09-09 21:18:41.531983541 -0500
@@ -189,17 +189,20 @@
 AC_SUBST(BACKEND, "$with_backend")
 # only need GUdev on linux
 if test x$with_backend = xlinux; then
 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GUDEV, [gudev-1.0 >= 001])
 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(USB, [libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.0])
-	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(IDEVICE, libimobiledevice-1.0 >= 0.9.7, with_idevice=yes, with_idevice=no)
-	if test x$with_idevice = xyes; then
-		AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IDEVICE, 1, [Define to 1 if AFC is going to be built])
-	fi
+	AC_ARG_WITH(idevice, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-idevice],[Build without libimobiledevice]),
+		    with_idevice=$withval,with_idevice=yes)
+	AS_IF([test "x$with_idevice" != "xno"],
+	      [PKG_CHECK_MODULES(IDEVICE, libimobiledevice1.0 >= 0.9.7, have_idevice=yes, have_idevice=no)],
+	      [have_idevice=no])
+	AS_IF([test "x$have_idevice" = "xyes"],
+	      [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IDEVICE, 1, [Define to 1 if AFC is going to be built])])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_IDEVICE, [test x$with_idevice = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_IDEVICE, [test x$have_idevice = xyes])
 # export to Makefile.am
 AM_CONDITIONAL(BACKEND_TYPE_DUMMY, [test x$with_backend = xdummy])
@@ -265,7 +268,7 @@
         xsltproc:                   ${XSLTPROC}
         Backend:                    ${with_backend}
-        libimobiledevice support:   ${with_idevice}
+        libimobiledevice support:   ${have_idevice}
         Maintainer mode:            ${USE_MAINTAINER_MODE}
         Building api docs:          ${enable_gtk_doc}
         Building man pages:         ${enable_man_pages}

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