/dev entry of USB device not disappearing after detach

Valentina Manea valentina.manea.m at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 09:37:15 CET 2014


My question might be a bit more related to udev than udisks but
perhaps someone will have an idea regarding why this is happening.

I am working on a driver for a virtual USB HCD. When I attach a USB
device, everything is fine - sysfs files are created, /dev entry is
created, device is usable.
However, when I detach it, the /dev entry still remains. The sysfs
files are removed, as expected. Obviously, the /dev entry is no longer
usable, e.g. it can't be used for mounting.

The output from udevmon is here [1]. vhci_hcd is the device representing the
USB hub and 2-1 is the bus ID of the attached device.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


[1] http://pastebin.com/0M2pSGw1

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