dim: FAILURE: Could not merge drm-intel/drm-intel-next-queued

Noralf Trønnes noralf at tronnes.org
Sun Oct 8 15:00:08 UTC 2017


Should I do something about this error:

notro at agl:~/drm-linux/src$ dim push-branch drm-misc-next
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 1.50 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/drm-misc
    2f733d6..2e187b2  drm-misc-next -> drm-misc-next
Pushing drm-misc-fixes to for-linux-next-fixes... Everything up-to-date
Out of merge window. Pushing drm-misc-next to for-linux-next... Done.
Updating rerere cache... Done.
Reloading nightly.conf... Done.
dim: No git remote for any of the URLs 
ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/drm-tip found in /home/notro/drm-linux/drm-tip
Enter a name to auto-add this remote, leave blank to abort: drm-tip
Fetching drm-tip (local remote drm-tip)... Done.
Fetching sound-upstream (local remote sound)... Done.
Fetching drm-intel (local remote drm-intel)... Done.
Fetching drm-tip (local remote drm-tip)... Done.
Fetching drm-misc (local remote drm-misc)... Done.
Fetching linux-upstream (local remote origin)... Done.
Fetching drm-amd (local remote drm-amd)... Done.
Fetching drm-upstream (local remote airlied)... Done.
Merging drm-intel (local remote drm-intel) drm-intel-fixes... Reset. Done.
Merging drm-upstream (local remote airlied) drm-fixes... Fast-forward. Done.
Merging drm-intel (local remote drm-intel) drm-intel-next-fixes... 
Fast-forward. Done.
Merging drm-intel (local remote drm-intel) drm-intel-next-queued... dim:
dim: FAILURE: Could not merge drm-intel/drm-intel-next-queued
dim: See the section "Resolving Conflicts when Rebuilding drm-tip"
dim: in the drm-intel.rst documentation for how to handle this situation.

Running dim update-branches afterwards didn't give any errors:

notro at agl:~/drm-linux/src$ dim update-branches
Fetching linux (local remote origin)... Done.
Fetching sound-upstream (local remote sound)... Done.
Fetching drm-intel (local remote drm-intel)... Done.
Fetching drm-tip (local remote drm-tip)... Done.
Fetching drm-misc (local remote drm-misc)... Done.
Fetching linux-upstream (local remote origin)... Done.
Fetching drm-amd (local remote drm-amd)... Done.
Fetching drm-upstream (local remote airlied)... Done.
Already on 'drm-misc-next'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'drm-misc/drm-misc-next'.
Already up-to-date.
Updating maintainer-tools ...
Current branch maintainer-tools is up to date.
Updating rerere cache... Done.


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