Packaging Ruby extensions

Diego E. 'Flameeyes' Pettenò flameeyes at
Mon Dec 15 11:34:36 PST 2008

Hi everybody!

Since in the last weeks there has been quite some talking about RubyGems
and the way both Debian [1] and Gentoo [2] find its packaging system
sub-standard, I'd like to involve all the Ruby packagers from the
various distribution in working on some document regarding these issues.

I've slowly started writing up a "Ruby Packaging Specification"
describing for now the issues and then providing guidelines on how to
prepare upstream packages that can be quickly packaged by vendors
without pain.

The draft which for now only contains some structure and one
Gentoo-derived issue, is available at and the GIT repository for it is
at git:// . I've chosen GIT+DocBook 5
because I sincerely find a Wiki to be a bit too volatile for some more
substantial documentation about the issue, and would like to have a
track of who adds what and similar, but that's obviously open to

If you're on this list but you're not a Ruby packager, may I ask you to
forward this to your Ruby team or Ruby maintainer so that we can get as
many people as possible involved? Finding a common ground is most likely
to bring results here.

Thanks to everybody!

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò

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