Matching package names across distributions
Enrico Zini
enrico at
Wed Feb 2 09:11:29 PST 2011
On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 05:36:25PM +0100, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> Interesting ! One thing I would really love to have is the same
> matching tool for Python projects.
> e.g. Distro name <-> Python / PyPI Name
I use some regexp in distromatch to 'stem' python package names to a
name which is common across distribution, and which should get quite
close to the PyPI name. Here they are (the capture parentesis catch
the name):
Debian: ^python\d?-(.+)$
Fedora: ^(.+)-python\d?$
Mandriva: ^python-(.+)$
OpenSUSE: ^python-(.+)$
This is guesswork, except for Debian for which I know the naming
policy[1]. Since I'm posting to the list, can people from other
distributions please check their own python module naming policies and
let me know if those regexps need to be fixed[2]?
[2] I also welcome regexps from other distributions of course:
distromatch isn't really limited to only those four. I haven't yet
actively tried to involve more[3] because I'd like to try some
initial deployment first, in order to road-test the input data
[3] This is a lie: I have done some preliminary investigation on
Gentoo, thanks to a friendly Gentoo developer who hangs out on
GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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