distromatch and debtags at Fosdem

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Tue Jan 24 07:13:09 PST 2012


I will be giving two talks in the cross-distribution room at Fosdem
which I would like to turn into actions. I'm posting here a summary of
my talks and what I wish would follow from them.

If you think the goal is worthwile / would like to take care of it,
please join the talks and help make it happen:

  "I wrote Distromatch, shall we use it?"
  Saturday, room H.1301, 18:15--19:00

  I'd like to create a loosely coupled group, with at least one person
  per distribution, with two goals:

   1. keep distromatch (the python command line tool and the data
      exports) working and accurate;
   2. use it to improve one's own distribution by "stealing" data from
      all the others.

  Debtags.debian.net reloaded!
  Sunday, room H.1302, 10:00--11:00

  I'd like to see other distributions adopt debtags. A starter dataset
  can already be exported over distromatch.
  If one wants to go further, the whole debtags.debian.net django app
  should be easily re-themable and deployable for other non-debian
  distributions: I can show how.



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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