What are the nuts and bolts of running a distro?

Jason Hsu jhsu802701 at jasonhsu.com
Mon Mar 19 21:52:52 PDT 2012

I've started a web site called Build-A-Distro (http://www.buildadistro.com/) that compiles essential information on the nuts and bolts of running a Linux distro or other open source project.  There is a link to this mailing list and links to Open Advice, the Open Source Way, and Producing Open Source Software.

I had originally planned to produce this site with Ruby on Rails, but learning Ruby on Rails hasn't worked out for me.  I'm finding myself much more productive with Drupal (and just started another site called Doppler Value Investing, http://www.dopplervalueinvesting.com), so I've turned my attention towards this technology instead.

I'd appreciate your suggestions.  I've just started learning Drupal, so I have a lot more to learn.

Jason Hsu <jhsu802701 at jasonhsu.com>

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