[RFCv2 2/2] dma-buf: add helpers for sharing attacher constraints with dma-parms

Sumit Semwal sumit.semwal at linaro.org
Mon Jan 26 23:04:13 PST 2015

Hi Russell!

On 21 January 2015 at 23:01, Russell King - ARM Linux
<linux at arm.linux.org.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 09:46:47AM +0530, Sumit Semwal wrote:
>> +static int calc_constraints(struct device *dev,
>> +                         struct dma_buf_constraints *calc_cons)
>> +{
>> +     struct dma_buf_constraints cons = *calc_cons;
>> +
>> +     cons.dma_mask &= dma_get_mask(dev);
> I don't think this makes much sense when you consider that the DMA
> infrastructure supports buses with offsets.  The DMA mask is th
> upper limit of the _bus_ specific address, it is not a mask per-se.
> What this means is that &= is not the right operation.  Moreover,
> simply comparing masks which could be from devices on unrelated
> buses doesn't make sense either.
> However, that said, I don't have an answer for what you want to
> achieve here.

Thanks for your comments! I suppose in that case, I will leave out the
*dma_masks from this constraints information for now; we can re-visit
it when a specific use case really needs information about the
dma-masks of the attached devices.

I will post an updated patch-set soon.
> --
> FTTC broadband for 0.8mile line: currently at 10.5Mbps down 400kbps up
> according to speedtest.net.

Thanks and regards,

Sumit Semwal
Kernel Team Lead - Linaro Mobile Group
Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs

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