HDMI 2.0 Support

Jose Abreu Jose.Abreu at synopsys.com
Mon Aug 8 14:44:11 UTC 2016


Currently I am working on some HDMI 2.0 features using the DRM
infrastructure. I am mainly working in parsing the newly
introduced EDID blocks such as HDMI Forum Vendor Specific Data
Block, YCBCR 420 Video Data Block and YCBCR Capability Map Data
Block. The new blocks require some changes in the EDID parsing,
the addition of new aspect ratios, the addition of new VIC's and
also a particularly special configuration flow when in 420 mode.

Before sending patches I would like to know: Is there anyone
working on something similar? What is your opinion about the
addition of this new features?

Best regards,
Jose Miguel Abreu

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