HDMI Audio screwed up w/ recent kernels

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Tue Dec 27 17:17:43 UTC 2016

>>>>> "DV" == Daniel Vetter <daniel at ffwll.ch> writes:

DV> amdgpu doesn't yet support hdmi audio.

Then why does it support the amdgpu.audio command line option, and why
does booting an amdgpu kernel with amdgpu.audio=1 sound the same as
booting a radeon kernel w/ radeon.audio=1?

In linux/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu:

  :; grep -l audio_enable *.c|xargs
  dce_v10_0.c dce_v11_0.c dce_v6_0.c dce_v8_0.c

  :; grep -l amdgpu_audio *.c |xargs
  amdgpu_connectors.c amdgpu_display.c amdgpu_drv.c atombios_encoders.c
  dce_v10_0.c dce_v11_0.c dce_v6_0.c dce_v8_0.c

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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