[PATCH 5/5] drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi: Clean up after tinydrm_panel conversion

Noralf Trønnes noralf at tronnes.org
Sat Mar 11 21:35:36 UTC 2017

Finish conversion to tinydrm_panel by removing unneeded functions and

Signed-off-by: Noralf Trønnes <noralf at tronnes.org>
 drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c | 154 -------------------------------------
 include/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.h     |  25 ------
 2 files changed, 179 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c
index 2f12a9a..0c29b74 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c
@@ -155,136 +155,6 @@ int mipi_dbi_command_buf(struct mipi_dbi *mipi, u8 cmd, u8 *data, size_t len)
-static int mipi_dbi_buf_copy(void *dst, struct drm_framebuffer *fb,
-				struct drm_clip_rect *clip, bool swap)
-	struct drm_gem_cma_object *cma_obj = drm_fb_cma_get_gem_obj(fb, 0);
-	struct dma_buf_attachment *import_attach = cma_obj->base.import_attach;
-	struct drm_format_name_buf format_name;
-	void *src = cma_obj->vaddr;
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (import_attach) {
-		ret = dma_buf_begin_cpu_access(import_attach->dmabuf,
-					       DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
-		if (ret)
-			return ret;
-	}
-	switch (fb->format->format) {
-	case DRM_FORMAT_RGB565:
-		if (swap)
-			tinydrm_swab16(dst, src, fb, clip);
-		else
-			tinydrm_memcpy(dst, src, fb, clip);
-		break;
-	case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888:
-		tinydrm_xrgb8888_to_rgb565(dst, src, fb, clip, swap);
-		break;
-	default:
-		dev_err_once(fb->dev->dev, "Format is not supported: %s\n",
-			     drm_get_format_name(fb->format->format,
-						 &format_name));
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (import_attach)
-		ret = dma_buf_end_cpu_access(import_attach->dmabuf,
-					     DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
-	return ret;
-static int mipi_dbi_fb_dirty(struct drm_framebuffer *fb,
-			     struct drm_file *file_priv,
-			     unsigned int flags, unsigned int color,
-			     struct drm_clip_rect *clips,
-			     unsigned int num_clips)
-	struct drm_gem_cma_object *cma_obj = drm_fb_cma_get_gem_obj(fb, 0);
-	struct tinydrm_device *tdev = fb->dev->dev_private;
-	struct mipi_dbi *mipi = mipi_dbi_from_tinydrm(tdev);
-	bool swap = mipi->swap_bytes;
-	struct drm_clip_rect clip;
-	int ret = 0;
-	bool full;
-	void *tr;
-	mutex_lock(&tdev->dirty_lock);
-	if (!mipi->enabled)
-		goto out_unlock;
-	/* fbdev can flush even when we're not interested */
-	if (tdev->pipe.plane.fb != fb)
-		goto out_unlock;
-	full = tinydrm_merge_clips(&clip, clips, num_clips, flags,
-				   fb->width, fb->height);
-	DRM_DEBUG("Flushing [FB:%d] x1=%u, x2=%u, y1=%u, y2=%u\n", fb->base.id,
-		  clip.x1, clip.x2, clip.y1, clip.y2);
-	if (!mipi->dc || !full || swap ||
-	    fb->format->format == DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888) {
-		tr = mipi->tx_buf;
-		ret = mipi_dbi_buf_copy(mipi->tx_buf, fb, &clip, swap);
-		if (ret)
-			goto out_unlock;
-	} else {
-		tr = cma_obj->vaddr;
-	}
-	mipi_dbi_command(mipi, MIPI_DCS_SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS,
-			 (clip.x1 >> 8) & 0xFF, clip.x1 & 0xFF,
-			 (clip.x2 >> 8) & 0xFF, (clip.x2 - 1) & 0xFF);
-	mipi_dbi_command(mipi, MIPI_DCS_SET_PAGE_ADDRESS,
-			 (clip.y1 >> 8) & 0xFF, clip.y1 & 0xFF,
-			 (clip.y2 >> 8) & 0xFF, (clip.y2 - 1) & 0xFF);
-	ret = mipi_dbi_command_buf(mipi, MIPI_DCS_WRITE_MEMORY_START, tr,
-				(clip.x2 - clip.x1) * (clip.y2 - clip.y1) * 2);
-	mutex_unlock(&tdev->dirty_lock);
-	if (ret)
-		dev_err_once(fb->dev->dev, "Failed to update display %d\n",
-			     ret);
-	return ret;
-static const struct drm_framebuffer_funcs mipi_dbi_fb_funcs = {
-	.destroy	= drm_fb_cma_destroy,
-	.create_handle	= drm_fb_cma_create_handle,
-	.dirty		= mipi_dbi_fb_dirty,
- * mipi_dbi_pipe_enable - MIPI DBI pipe enable helper
- * @pipe: Display pipe
- * @crtc_state: CRTC state
- *
- * This function enables backlight. Drivers can use this as their
- * &drm_simple_display_pipe_funcs->enable callback.
- */
-void mipi_dbi_pipe_enable(struct drm_simple_display_pipe *pipe,
-			  struct drm_crtc_state *crtc_state)
-	struct tinydrm_device *tdev = pipe_to_tinydrm(pipe);
-	struct mipi_dbi *mipi = mipi_dbi_from_tinydrm(tdev);
-	struct drm_framebuffer *fb = pipe->plane.fb;
-	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("\n");
-	mipi->enabled = true;
-	if (fb)
-		fb->funcs->dirty(fb, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-	tinydrm_enable_backlight(mipi->backlight);
  * mipi_dbi_panel_flush - MIPI DBI panel flush helper
  * @panel: tinydrm panel
@@ -364,30 +234,6 @@ int mipi_dbi_panel_disable(struct tinydrm_panel *panel)
- * mipi_dbi_pipe_disable - MIPI DBI pipe disable helper
- * @pipe: Display pipe
- *
- * This function disables backlight if present or if not the
- * display memory is blanked. Drivers can use this as their
- * &drm_simple_display_pipe_funcs->disable callback.
- */
-void mipi_dbi_pipe_disable(struct drm_simple_display_pipe *pipe)
-	struct tinydrm_device *tdev = pipe_to_tinydrm(pipe);
-	struct mipi_dbi *mipi = mipi_dbi_from_tinydrm(tdev);
-	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("\n");
-	mipi->enabled = false;
-	if (mipi->backlight)
-		tinydrm_disable_backlight(mipi->backlight);
-	else
-		mipi_dbi_blank(mipi);
 static const uint32_t mipi_dbi_formats[] = {
diff --git a/include/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.h b/include/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.h
index 199f109..71b04ef 100644
--- a/include/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.h
+++ b/include/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.h
@@ -20,50 +20,28 @@ struct regulator;
  * struct mipi_dbi - MIPI DBI controller
- * @tinydrm: tinydrm base
  * @panel: tinydrm panel
  * @spi: SPI device
- * @enabled: Pipeline is enabled
  * @cmdlock: Command lock
  * @command: Bus specific callback executing commands.
  * @read_commands: Array of read commands terminated by a zero entry.
  *                 Reading is disabled if this is NULL.
  * @dc: Optional D/C gpio.
- * @tx_buf: Buffer used for transfer (copy clip rect area)
  * @tx_buf9: Buffer used for Option 1 9-bit conversion
  * @tx_buf9_len: Size of tx_buf9.
- * @swap_bytes: Swap bytes in buffer before transfer
- * @reset: Optional reset gpio
- * @rotation: initial rotation in degrees Counter Clock Wise
- * @backlight: backlight device (optional)
- * @regulator: power regulator (optional)
 struct mipi_dbi {
-	struct tinydrm_device tinydrm;
 	struct tinydrm_panel panel;
 	struct spi_device *spi;
-	bool enabled;
 	struct mutex cmdlock;
 	int (*command)(struct mipi_dbi *mipi, u8 cmd, u8 *param, size_t num);
 	const u8 *read_commands;
 	struct gpio_desc *dc;
-	u16 *tx_buf;
 	void *tx_buf9;
 	size_t tx_buf9_len;
-	bool swap_bytes;
-	struct gpio_desc *reset;
-	unsigned int rotation;
-	struct backlight_device *backlight;
-	struct regulator *regulator;
 static inline struct mipi_dbi *
-mipi_dbi_from_tinydrm(struct tinydrm_device *tdev)
-	return container_of(tdev, struct mipi_dbi, tinydrm);
-static inline struct mipi_dbi *
 mipi_dbi_from_panel(struct tinydrm_panel *panel)
 	return container_of(panel, struct mipi_dbi, panel);
@@ -83,9 +61,6 @@ int mipi_dbi_panel_flush(struct tinydrm_panel *panel,
 			 struct drm_framebuffer *fb,
 			 struct drm_clip_rect *rect);
 int mipi_dbi_panel_disable(struct tinydrm_panel *panel);
-void mipi_dbi_pipe_enable(struct drm_simple_display_pipe *pipe,
-			  struct drm_crtc_state *crtc_state);
-void mipi_dbi_pipe_disable(struct drm_simple_display_pipe *pipe);
 void mipi_dbi_hw_reset(struct mipi_dbi *mipi);
 bool mipi_dbi_display_is_on(struct mipi_dbi *mipi);

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