omapfb/dss: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in three functions

SF Markus Elfring elfring at
Mon Nov 27 21:48:26 UTC 2017

> There is the generic stack dump on OOM so the module/line
> is already known.

Can such an implementation detail become better documented
than in C source code?

> The existence of these messages increases code size which
> also make the OOM condition slightly more likely.

Interesting view …

> Markus' commit messages are always really poor descriptions
> of why these removals are somewhat useful and the commit
> could/should/might be applied.

I agree that they could be improved for this transformation
pattern if other information sources would become clearer
for corresponding references.
It seems that I got no responses so far for clarification requests
according to the documentation in a direction I hoped for.


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