[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 01/21] vulkan: Add KHR_display extension using DRM

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Wed Mar 7 20:28:04 UTC 2018

Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> writes:

> Or better, just use drmModeAddFB2 and pass the format directly. That
> landed back in 3.2 or so, and I don't think there's anyone trying to
> use Vulkan on a kernel from 2011.

Yeah, that's probably a better plan. I've pushed a patch that does this
on top of the long list of patches made in response to Jason's email.

Once he's replied to that, I'll go ahead and smash the new patches back
on top of the original series and re-publish that.

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