[PATCH v2 56/79] docs: Documentation/*.txt: rename all ReST files to *.rst

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 17:13:54 UTC 2019

- Accessible, usable docs are worth something in ROI
  - https://www.writethedocs.org/
  - https://read-the-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
    - Dockerfile that extends from readthedocs/build:latest (which has the
GBs of latex necessary to run `make latexpdf` for all you PDF lovers out

- https://github.com/yoloseem/awesome-sphinxdoc
  - There are various Sphinx extensions for optionally including generated
API docs for various languages
  - If you add the extensions you want installed to your requirements.txt
or environment.yml, ReadTheDocs will install those for every build. You can
also create (and maintain) a custom Docker image with all of the docs
building dependencies installed (e.g. requirements_dev.txt and/or

- https://kernel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kernel-documentation.html
  - This says "Copyright 2016"? That's set in conf.py

I keep a tools doc in ReST:
- https://westurner.github.io/tools/#sphinx
- https://westurner.github.io/tools/#docutils

I'll just CC those sections here:


.. index:: Docutils
.. _docutils:

| Homepage: http://docutils.sourceforge.net
| PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils
| Docs: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/
| Docs: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
| Docs: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/doctree.html
| Docs: https://docutils.readthedocs.io/en/sphinx-docs/
| Docs:
| Src: svn http://svn.code.sf.net/p/docutils/code/trunk

Docutils is a :ref:`Python` library which 'parses" :ref:`ReStructuredText`
lightweight markup language into a doctree (~DOM)
which can be serialized into
HTML, ePub, MOBI, LaTeX, man pages,
Open Document files,
XML, JSON, and a number of other formats.

.. index:: Sphinx
.. _sphinx:

| Wikipedia: `<
| Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx
| Src: git https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx
| Pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx
| Docs: http://sphinx-doc.org/contents.html
| Docs: http://sphinx-doc.org/markup/code.html
| Docs: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/inline.html#ref-role
| Docs: http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/
| Docs: http://thomas-cokelaer.info/tutorials/sphinx/rest_syntax.html
| Docs: https://github.com/yoloseem/awesome-sphinxdoc

Sphinx is a tool for working with
:ref:`ReStructuredText` documentation trees
and rendering them into HTML, PDF, LaTeX, ePub,
and a number of other formats.

Sphinx extends :ref:`Docutils` with a number of useful markup behaviors
which are not supported by other ReStructuredText parsers.

Most other ReStructuredText parsers do not support Sphinx directives;
so, for example,

* GitHub and BitBucket do not support Sphinx but do support ReStructuredText
  so ``README.rst`` containing Sphinx tags renders in plaintext or raises

  For example, the index page of this
  :ref:`Sphinx` documentation set is generated from
  a file named ``index.rst`` that referenced by ``docs/conf.py``,
  which is utilized by ``sphinx-build`` in the ``Makefile``.

  * Input:

    .. code:: bash

      e $_indexrst

      # with westurner/dotfiles.venv
      mkvirtualenv westurner
      we westurner tools; mkdir -p $_SRC
      git clone ssh://git@github.com/westurner/tools
      cdw; e index.rst    # ew index.rst



  * Output:

    .. code:: bash

      cd $_WRD                        # cdwrd; cdw
      git status; make <tab>          # gitw status; makew <tab>
      make html singlehtml            # make docs
      web ./_build/html/index.html    # make open

      make gh-pages       # ghp-import -n -p ./_build/html/ -b gh-pages
      make push           # gitw push <origin> <destbranch>



    * RawGit:

      dev/test: https://rawgit.com/westurner/tools/gh-pages/index.html

      CDN: https://cdn.rawgit.com/westurner/tools/gh-pages/index.html

  * Output: *ReadTheDocs*:



.. glossary::

   Sphinx Builder
      A Sphinx Builder transforms :ref:`ReStructuredText` into various
      output forms:

         * HTML
         * LaTeX
         * PDF
         * ePub
         * MOBI
         * JSON
         * OpenDocument (OpenOffice)
         * Office Open XML (MS Word)

      See: `Sphinx Builders <http://sphinx-doc.org/builders.html>`_

   Sphinx ReStructuredText
      Sphinx extends :ref:`ReStructuredText` with roles and directives
      which only work with Sphinx.

   Sphinx Directive
      Sphinx extensions of :ref:`Docutils` :ref:`ReStructuredText`

      Most other ReStructuredText parsers do not support Sphinx directives.

      .. code-block:: rest

         .. toctree::


      See: `Sphinx Directives <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html#directives>`_

   Sphinx Role
      Sphinx extensions of :ref:`Docutils` :ref:`RestructuredText` roles

      Most other ReStructuredText parsers do not support Sphinx directives.

      .. code-block:: rest

            .. _anchor-name:

            A link to :ref:`anchor <anchor-name>`.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 12:31 PM Jonathan Corbet <corbet at lwn.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 15:01:32 +0200
> Peter Zijlstra <peterz at infradead.org> wrote:
> > But yes, I have 0 motivation to learn or abide by rst. It simply doesn't
> > give me anything in return. There is no upside, only worse text files :/
> So I believe it gives even you one thing in return: documentation that is
> more accessible for both readers and authors.  More readable docs should
> lead to more educated developers who understand the code better.  More
> writable docs will bring more people in to help to improve them.  The
> former effect has been reported in the GPU community, where they say that
> the quality of submissions has improved along with the docs.  The latter
> can be observed in the increased number of people working on the docs
> overall, something that Linus noted in the 5.1-rc1 announcement.
> Hopefully that's worth something :)
> Thanks,
> jon
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