[RFC PATCH v2 00/17] Host1x/TegraDRM UAPI

Dmitry Osipenko digetx at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 21:53:32 UTC 2020

09.09.2020 11:44, Mikko Perttunen пишет:
>> Could you please enumerate all the currently opened questions?
> Which open questions do you refer to?

Anything related to the UAPI definition that needs more thought. If
there is nothing outstanding, then good!

> The open items of v1 should be
> closed now; for fences we setup an SW timeout to prevent them from
> sticking around forever, and regarding GEM the GEM IOCTLs are again
> being used.

We'll see how it will be in practice! For now it's a bit difficult to
decide what is good and what needs more improvement.

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