How to obtain a drm lease from X for overlay planes as well as a primary plane?

Simon Ser contact at
Wed Aug 11 10:21:42 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 at 11:43, Daniel Vetter <daniel at> wrote:

> For wayland this is still in the works, so might be good if you check
> there that your use-case is properly supported. Protocol MR is here:

The client requests a connector, and the compositor will decide which
resources to lease. This may or may not include overlay planes. The
connector you're interested in may or may not be available for lease.

What's your use-case? Why not use an xdg_toplevel and wl_subsurface?

DRM leases are not a good idea for regular applications. They don't
properly integrate with the rest of the desktop, and won't get input
events. Letting the compositor deal with KMS planes is the preferred

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