[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t 03/11] intel-gpu-top: Add support for per client stats

Umesh Nerlige Ramappa umesh.nerlige.ramappa at intel.com
Thu Mar 31 22:08:50 UTC 2022

lgtm, I just have a few nits and questions below:

Regardless, this is

Reviewed-by: Umesh Nerlige Ramappa <umesh.nerlige.ramappa at intel.com>


On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 01:55:57PM +0000, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
>From: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursulin at intel.com>
>Use the i915 exported data in /proc/<pid>/fdinfo to show GPU utilization
>per DRM client.
>Example of the output:
>intel-gpu-top: Intel Tigerlake (Gen12) @ /dev/dri/card0 -  220/ 221 MHz
>    70% RC6;  0.62/ 7.08 W;      760 irqs/s
>         ENGINES     BUSY                                 MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
>       Render/3D   23.06% |██████▊                      |      0%      0%
>         Blitter    0.00% |                             |      0%      0%
>           Video    5.40% |█▋                           |      0%      0%
>    VideoEnhance   20.67% |██████                       |      0%      0%
>   PID              NAME  Render/3D    Blitter      Video    VideoEnhance
>  3082               mpv |          ||          ||▌         ||██        |
>  3117         neverball |█▉        ||          ||          ||          |
>     1           systemd |▍         ||          ||          ||          |
>  2338       gnome-shell |          ||          ||          ||          |
>Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursulin at intel.com>
> man/intel_gpu_top.rst |   4 +
> tools/intel_gpu_top.c | 801 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
> tools/meson.build     |   2 +-
> 3 files changed, 804 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/man/intel_gpu_top.rst b/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
>index b3b765b05feb..f4dbfc5b44d9 100644
>--- a/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
>+++ b/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
>@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ Supported keys:
>     'q'    Exit from the tool.
>     'h'    Show interactive help.
>     '1'    Toggle between aggregated engine class and physical engine mode.
>+    'n'    Toggle display of numeric client busyness overlay.
>+    's'    Toggle between sort modes (runtime, total runtime, pid, client id).
>+    'i'    Toggle display of clients which used no GPU time.
>+    'H'    Toggle between per PID aggregation and individual clients.
> ================
>diff --git a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
>index bc11fce2bb1e..73815cdea8aa 100644
>--- a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
>+++ b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
>@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <termios.h>
>+#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
> #include "igt_perf.h"
>+#include "igt_drm_fdinfo.h"
> #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
>@@ -311,7 +313,8 @@ static int engine_cmp(const void *__a, const void *__b)
> 		return a->instance - b->instance;
> }
>-#define is_igpu_pci(x) (strcmp(x, "0000:00:02.0") == 0)
>+#define IGPU_PCI "0000:00:02.0"
>+#define is_igpu_pci(x) (strcmp(x, IGPU_PCI) == 0)
> #define is_igpu(x) (strcmp(x, "i915") == 0)
> static struct engines *discover_engines(char *device)
>@@ -635,6 +638,547 @@ static void pmu_sample(struct engines *engines)
> 	}
> }
>+enum client_status {
>+	FREE = 0, /* mbz */
>+struct clients;
>+struct client {
>+	struct clients *clients;
>+	enum client_status status;
>+	unsigned int id;
>+	unsigned int pid;
>+	char name[24];
>+	char print_name[24];
>+	unsigned int samples;
>+	unsigned long total_runtime;
>+	unsigned long last_runtime;
>+	unsigned long *val;
>+	uint64_t *last;
>+struct clients {
>+	unsigned int num_clients;
>+	unsigned int active_clients;
>+	unsigned int num_classes;
>+	struct engine_class *class;
>+	char pci_slot[64];
>+	struct client *client;
>+#define for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) \
>+	for ((tmp) = (clients)->num_clients, c = (clients)->client; \
>+	     (tmp > 0); (tmp)--, (c)++)
>+static struct clients *init_clients(const char *pci_slot)
>+	struct clients *clients;
>+	clients = malloc(sizeof(*clients));
>+	if (!clients)
>+		return NULL;
>+	memset(clients, 0, sizeof(*clients));
>+	strncpy(clients->pci_slot, pci_slot, sizeof(clients->pci_slot));
>+	return clients;
>+static struct client *
>+find_client(struct clients *clients, enum client_status status, unsigned int id)
>+	unsigned int start, num;
>+	struct client *c;
>+	start = status == FREE ? clients->active_clients : 0; /* Free block at the end. */
>+	num = clients->num_clients - start;
>+	for (c = &clients->client[start]; num; c++, num--) {
>+		if (status != c->status)
>+			continue;
>+		if (status == FREE || c->id == id)
>+			return c;
>+	}
>+	return NULL;
>+static void
>+update_client(struct client *c, unsigned int pid, char *name, uint64_t val[16])
>+	unsigned int i;
>+	if (c->pid != pid)
>+		c->pid = pid;
>+	if (strcmp(c->name, name)) {
>+		char *p;
>+		strncpy(c->name, name, sizeof(c->name) - 1);
>+		strncpy(c->print_name, name, sizeof(c->print_name) - 1);
>+		p = c->print_name;
>+		while (*p) {
>+			if (!isprint(*p))
>+				*p = '*';
>+			p++;
>+		}
>+	}
>+	c->last_runtime = 0;
>+	c->total_runtime = 0;

assert(c->clients->num_classes <= 16);

>+	for (i = 0; i < c->clients->num_classes; i++) {
>+		if (val[i] < c->last[i])
>+			continue; /* It will catch up soon. */
>+		c->total_runtime += val[i];
As far as busyness is concerned c->total_runtime += val[i] should be it.  

>+		c->val[i] = val[i] - c->last[i];
>+		c->last_runtime += c->val[i];
>+		c->last[i] = val[i];

Can you describe what these 3 lines are doing?

>+	}
>+	c->samples++;
>+	c->status = ALIVE;
>+static void
>+add_client(struct clients *clients, unsigned int id, unsigned int pid,
>+	   char *name, uint64_t busy[16])
>+	struct client *c;
>+	assert(!find_client(clients, ALIVE, id));
>+	c = find_client(clients, FREE, 0);
>+	if (!c) {
>+		unsigned int idx = clients->num_clients;
>+		clients->num_clients += (clients->num_clients + 2) / 2;
>+		clients->client = realloc(clients->client,
>+					  clients->num_clients * sizeof(*c));
>+		assert(clients->client);
>+		c = &clients->client[idx];
>+		memset(c, 0, (clients->num_clients - idx) * sizeof(*c));
>+	}
>+	c->id = id;
>+	c->clients = clients;
>+	c->val = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->val));
>+	c->last = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->last));
>+	assert(c->val && c->last);
>+	update_client(c, pid, name, busy);
>+static void free_client(struct client *c)
>+	free(c->val);
>+	free(c->last);
>+	memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
>+static int client_last_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
>+	const struct client *a = _a;
>+	const struct client *b = _b;
>+	long tot_a, tot_b;
>+	/*
>+	 * Sort clients in descending order of runtime in the previous sampling
>+	 * period for active ones, followed by inactive. Tie-breaker is client
>+	 * id.
>+	 */
>+	tot_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->last_runtime : -1;
>+	tot_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->last_runtime : -1;
>+	tot_b -= tot_a;
>+	if (tot_b > 0)
>+		return 1;
>+	if (tot_b < 0)
>+		return -1;
>+	return (int)b->id - a->id;

nit: the compare functions could use a single if, if you agree on just 
returning tot_b.

	if (!tot_b)
		return (int)b->id - a->id;

	return tot_b;

>+static int client_total_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
>+	const struct client *a = _a;
>+	const struct client *b = _b;
>+	long tot_a, tot_b;
>+	tot_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->total_runtime : -1;
>+	tot_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->total_runtime : -1;
>+	tot_b -= tot_a;
>+	if (tot_b > 0)
>+		return 1;
>+	if (tot_b < 0)
>+		return -1;
>+	return (int)b->id - a->id;
>+static int client_id_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
>+	const struct client *a = _a;
>+	const struct client *b = _b;
>+	int id_a, id_b;
>+	id_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->id : -1;
>+	id_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->id : -1;
>+	id_b -= id_a;
>+	if (id_b > 0)
>+		return 1;
>+	if (id_b < 0)
>+		return -1;
>+	return (int)b->id - a->id;
>+static int client_pid_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
>+	const struct client *a = _a;
>+	const struct client *b = _b;
>+	int pid_a, pid_b;
>+	pid_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->pid : INT_MAX;
>+	pid_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->pid : INT_MAX;
>+	pid_b -= pid_a;
>+	if (pid_b > 0)
>+		return -1;
>+	if (pid_b < 0)
>+		return 1;
>+	return (int)a->id - b->id;
>+static int (*client_cmp)(const void *, const void *) = client_last_cmp;
>+static struct clients *sort_clients(struct clients *clients,
>+				    int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
>+	unsigned int active, free;
>+	struct client *c;
>+	int tmp;
>+	if (!clients)
>+		return clients;
>+	qsort(clients->client, clients->num_clients, sizeof(*clients->client),
>+	      cmp);
>+	/* Trim excessive array space. */
>+	active = 0;
>+	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
>+		if (c->status != ALIVE)
>+			break; /* Active clients are first in the array. */
>+		active++;
>+	}
>+	clients->active_clients = active;
>+	free = clients->num_clients - active;
>+	if (free > clients->num_clients / 2) {
>+		active = clients->num_clients - free / 2;
>+		if (active != clients->num_clients) {
>+			clients->num_clients = active;
>+			clients->client = realloc(clients->client,
>+						  clients->num_clients *
>+						  sizeof(*c));
>+		}
>+	}
>+	return clients;
>+static bool aggregate_pids = true;
>+static struct clients *display_clients(struct clients *clients)
>+	struct client *ac, *c, *cp = NULL;
>+	struct clients *aggregated;
>+	int tmp, num = 0;
>+	if (!aggregate_pids)
>+		goto out;
>+	/* Sort by pid first to make it easy to aggregate while walking. */
>+	sort_clients(clients, client_pid_cmp);
>+	aggregated = calloc(1, sizeof(*clients));
>+	assert(aggregated);
>+	ac = calloc(clients->num_clients, sizeof(*c));
>+	assert(ac);
>+	aggregated->num_classes = clients->num_classes;
>+	aggregated->class = clients->class;
>+	aggregated->client = ac;
>+	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
>+		unsigned int i;
>+		if (c->status == FREE)
>+			break;
>+		assert(c->status == ALIVE);
>+		if ((cp && c->pid != cp->pid) || !cp) {

same as: if (!cp || c->pid != cp->pid), fine either ways

>+			ac = &aggregated->client[num++];
>+			/* New pid. */
>+			ac->clients = aggregated;
>+			ac->status = ALIVE;
>+			ac->id = -c->pid;
>+			ac->pid = c->pid;
>+			strcpy(ac->name, c->name);
>+			strcpy(ac->print_name, c->print_name);
>+			ac->val = calloc(clients->num_classes,
>+					 sizeof(ac->val[0]));
>+			assert(ac->val);
>+			ac->samples = 1;
>+		}
>+		cp = c;
>+		if (c->samples < 2)
>+			continue;
>+		ac->samples = 2; /* All what matters for display. */
>+		ac->total_runtime += c->total_runtime;
>+		ac->last_runtime += c->last_runtime;
>+		for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++)
>+			ac->val[i] += c->val[i];
>+	}
>+	aggregated->num_clients = num;
>+	aggregated->active_clients = num;
>+	clients = aggregated;
>+	return sort_clients(clients, client_cmp);
>+static void free_clients(struct clients *clients)
>+	struct client *c;
>+	unsigned int tmp;
>+	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
>+		free(c->val);
>+		free(c->last);
>+	}
>+	free(clients->client);
>+	free(clients);
>+static bool is_drm_fd(DIR *fd_dir, const char *name)
>+	struct stat stat;
>+	int ret;
>+	ret = fstatat(dirfd(fd_dir), name, &stat, 0);
>+	return ret == 0 &&
>+	       (stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR &&
>+	       major(stat.st_rdev) == 226;
>+static bool get_task_name(const char *buffer, char *out, unsigned long sz)
>+	char *s = index(buffer, '(');
>+	char *e = rindex(buffer, ')');
>+	unsigned int len;
>+	if (!s || !e)
>+		return false;

maybe assert(e > s);

>+	len = --e - ++s + 1;

len = e - ++s;


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